All about Science and Technology

07 January 2009

Teaching Your Child Analytical Skills Through Science Projects

There are many things that science projects can teach a child. Science projects can teach your child more about science and the way the world works. Another thing that you can teach your child through science projects is analytical skills. Here are some ways that science projects teaches your child analytical skills.

First off you might be thinking to yourself what analytical skills are. Analytical skills are problem solving skills. You can teach your child analytical skills through science projects by getting their curiosity going. This can be done by finding something that interests them. For example, if your child is interested in how electricity is made. Help your child research a certain form of electricity device. Then use this research to conduct a science fair project. Using analytical skills, such as the scientific method, figure out ways to create electric currents, and to generate that electricity etc. Find out what your child can do or make to help show their studies and findings on their project. For example, say that your child wanted to explain how a remote control worked. Using analytical skills figure out a way to show how you have to have a signal that goes from the remote to what ever devise you are trying to control. Then use this as part of your presentation for your child’s science project.

You can teach your child analytical skills through science projects by correctly applying the scientific method. Talk to them about a subject, ask for a theory, then test it. Prove the theory false or true, then have a discussion about why things turned out the way they did. This will help your child see that thinking is a process of steps. That decisions should be made through tests, and that analyzing outcomes, procedures, etc. is the best way to come up with a solution.

Teaching your child analytical skills through science projects will help your child to start thinking about every little thing that was once just a part of life. Like using the telephone or putting a plastic bag over a credit card that won’t read when being swiped normally. These are things that a child could question. You could do a little research and show your child the answers to why things work the way they work by doing a science project on the question that your child has asked. This will help teach your child analytical skills through science projects because science is simply a process of analyzing what we see and breaking it down into simpler, not compound explanations.

Another way to teach your child analytical skills through science projects are to have discussions. Ask your child questions about how things work. Ask them how they think something works. Or ask your child what they think could solve certain problems. This will help their minds to start working and to start using analytical skills to figure out the answer to the questions you are asking. They will then start asking the right kinds of questions to deduct answers.

All of these are ways that you can teach analytical skills to your child through science projects. Teaching your child analytical skills through science projects is very important and will help them when it comes to the real world. Analytical skills will help your child in the work place with projects they are assigned to. Analytical skills will also help in personal situations with other co workers or friends. The more you work to teach your child analytical skills through science project the better. Teaching your child analytical skills will only help improve the way the think and the way they deal with real situations in life. Analytical skills will help them be able to cope in the real world because they will know how to solve problems because of the analytical skills they have.

By: Just Science

How To Make Science More Fun—Do Science Projects

Some people wonder how they can make science more fun for their children. Some people may want to know how they can help their children lean to understand science more. Here are some ways that you can make science more fun by doing science projects.

Doing science projects can help you and your children to learn new things about science and have fun while doing it. You can take things that your children are learning in science and make more out of it by creating a science project. For example if your children are learning about volcano’s and how they work. You can make your own volcano right in your own kitchen. Read through your child’s science book and find out what exactly they are learning about volcanoes. There are usually quizzes at the end of each chapter in your children’s science book. This will give you an idea about what you child will be tested on. So if your child is going to be tested on what makes a volcano erupt or what is the lava made out of. You can call the ingredients that you are pouring into the volcano the things that make lava or make it erupt. This will help your child to have fun while doing science and want to do more science projects to help them learn about science.

Another way to make science fun is to take your children on a nature walk. This will get your children off the couch and get them more active. You can then point out specific things that you see in nature have them pick out some things that they see. Then do sciences project to teach them about the scientific part of what they saw. This will help your children to have fun while doing science projects.

A different way of getting your child to have fun doing science projects is to be interested in what they are learning about in science, and ask if you can help them do science projects. You are your child’s best teacher. Your child will want to learn from you more than any one else. You can also help them to understand things in ways that other people can’t because you know how they learn the best. Do a science project that they are interested in or have asked a question about. For instance if your child is interested in hot air balloons, you could spend some time together researching hot air balloons and what makes them float. Then find an event with hot air balloons in your area and take them to watch them. Then discuss the way that the hot air balloon takes off and what is fueling it to make it float. This will help to make science more fun to your child and make them want to do more science projects.

There are many different things out there that you can get your child involved in to help them have more fun with science and get the interested in doing more science projects. Encourage them to try to figure out the science behind things and how they work. This will help your child to learn more about science. Make sure to have discussions about science and about what they have learned. Your child will be excited to tell you what they discover and have learned if you act interested in what they have to say. Do science projects that can create new ways of doing things like popping popcorn. Explain why popcorn will pop one way but not another. Creating new ways to do things through science projects will help make science more fun.

By: Just Science